Understanding mobility as a whole

Good planning, promoting more efficient travel modes or research on travel behavior change, are not only economic and energy saving measures, but above all, improvements for the quality of life.

In transportation planning, Diadro has conducted numerous studies of great operational complexity throughout the world. Some of his professionals participated in the operation design studies of Transmilenio (Colombia), BRT with great implementation success, and a world leader in intermodal action strategies.

Our experience in planning consultancy has consolidated and extended to other countries such as Chile, were we participated in the public transport model Transantiago; Peru, in Lima Cosac System; or Saudi Arabia were we performed Riyadh’s transport model upgrade.

Moreover, the growing concern about the environment, excessive travel time, or road accidents, have made us become interested in sustainable mobility: understanding mobility as a whole where all modes of transport (private car, public transport, cycling, walking, etc…) are taken into account in order to favor the most eco-efficient and healthier habits.

This constitutes a challenge for both the public administration, who is increasingly requiring Sustainable Mobility Plans, Safe Routes to School, pedestrian zones, etc.; and for the private sector, concerned about improving accessibility to their workplaces or commercial areas.

Understanding mobility as a whole to promote measures that encourage more eco-efficient modes and improve people’s quality of life.
High speed rails
Bus massive transport (BRT)
New Transport modes (LRT, Metro)
Sustainable mobility urban plans
Demand management
Land use impact
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