The extent of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Torrelodones (municipality of the Community of Madrid, located 30 km from the capital, with more than 20,000 inhabitants distributed in 3 urban areas) was divided into two main phases: an initial of analysis and assessment of mobility in the municipality, and a final drafting of the plan.
The first involved an extensive field work that included various types of private vehicle survey, public transport, pedestrians, employees, etc..
In the second phase actions were designed, sector plans and integrated action programs.
Attention was also given to the economic viability of the SUMP and a monitoring and evaluation plan was proposed.
Public participation was a key component throughout the entire process of the SUMP with community visioning workshops, face-to-face meetings, leaflets about the plan asking for people’s views, a specific web page, and a Transport Forum in which stakeholders were engaged.
In recognition of all actions on behalf of pedestrian and sustainable mobility, some of them promoted by the SUMP, the municipality was awarded “Walking City” 2013