The project Poceirão – Caia is framed in the Portuguese High-Speed Rail Plan. This action is among the priority projects of European Union transport, as defined in the TEN-T program. The Portuguese government set the following objectives for the design of high-speed lines: To reduce the peripheral position of the country connecting Portugal with Europe; to provide a modern transport system, sustainable and efficient; to accelerate economic and technological development of the country, and to increase mobility and competitiveness of port systems, airport and logistics.
On the occasion of the international open bid Diadro was asked to estimate the demand figures as a basis for calculating the revenue that the winner of the contest would get by:
- The passenger trains
- The freight trains
The consortium would receive a payment according to the number of trains per km using that section of the line.
For this Diadro conducted a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact on the number of circulations on the service along various sections, the economical evolution, ticketing policy, etc..