Bogotá-Girardot traffic and revenue study
Traffic and revenue study for the third lane highway Bogotá-Girardot, in Colombia.

Traffic and revenue study of the private initiative project Third Lane Bogota-Girardot Highway.

The Public-Private initiative announced by the ANI contemplated the extension of the road (145 km) to six lanes and also considered a series of maintenance and rehabilitation works.

It would be Colombia’s first six-lane highway.

Amongst the tasks included in this project, there were:

  • Analyzing the evolution of the current demand according to transport costs (travel times, tolls, etc.) for the O-D pairs that constitute the current potential demand of the road.
  • Analyzing the expected evolution of the potential demand according to external variables such as motorization, economic evolution, tourist activity, industrial production, production and demand of raw materials, etc.
  • Studying the possible change in origin-destination relationships caused by changes in transportation costs (new infrastructures, new tolls, etc.).
  • Estimating the additional demand that could arise due to the new situation in the country: changes in security conditions, important infrastructure development, etc.

Transport Modelling

